Thursday, September 20, 2007

i worked OT today. cause i screwed up alot of things and ended work as a result. reached dear's house at 9pm. of course, i know, he's not happy. furthermore, he's sick. when i see how qiao cui he was, i felt worried for him. well, he still wanna work tml! I so dont want him to work. I just want him to rest. if he ever collapsed, I think i break down.

dear, I dont want you to work so much. So what if you work alot and have more income? money cant buy happiness. when you say got more money, we can go anywhere and do what we want and will be more happier. but if there's a price to pay and that's your health, I rather remain poor.

I didnt control my tears. tears just tickle down on its own. I'm sad that i've made him like that. I hope, he will recover soon.

anyway, ting, again, i wanna say, dont be sad over that matter. i'm always there for you. you can call my hotline everyday as and when you wish to. dont worry! just hope that after so many people concern about you, you will feel better. cheer up! take your time to sort out your thoughts.

time will heal all wounds! just remember what i told you in msn. =] stay happy. and tml you will get to see me! X)

and li xia too! ba suo you de bu kai xin du pao diao!(sorry, cant use chinese words. forget the shortcut).

alrights. tml's mission: cheer ting up!

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