Wednesday, November 24, 2010

RIP, my little

It happened all so sudden that I couldn't react much to it. Mom woke me up in the morning to tell me the news. After that she started yakking that I didn't take care of him blah. Indirectly telling me that I'm the cause of his death. I'm so sad. It made me worst.

I walked to the container and looked down. It was peaceful but its posture was rather.. heartpain to see. Somehow it seems like before he died, he was struggling for help. :( But I didn't notice.
I don't get it when it was bleeding. I saw blood :( Wonder what happened! :(

I teared and took some photos of it. This was my 2nd tortoise. :( sad but life has to move on.
JJ said this in twitter:

"cheer up .. Well at least ur turtle will reborn as a faster animal :)"

Really made me laugh :D

Back after school and we went down to bury my little. Some passerby saw it and they were looking suspiciously at us. =.= Come on, don't soooooo kpo. I felt happier when I finally buried it. I know it will find his way to happiness soon! :D

In my memory, always.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

If there's any guy who's willing to sing Just the way you are to me, I will marry him immediately! LOL! Kidding :P

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The night is cold and quiet. It totally describes my feeling.

I saw the differences.

I need time.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Being busy with CCA outing planning recently. YAWNS

Have been going out since last friday and this week is supposed to be a break but I'm outside almost everyday. Make my life more happening and fulfilling :) Past few days was awesome though tiring.

Met the guys today. They were funny. Dine at 15mins at Laselle. JR tried to talk to me in Jap and I seriously lost touch with Jap. :( Not cool.

Halloween's fun. Will upload photo soon.

Looking forward to the rest of the outings this week :D AND.. I need to MUG!!!!

I need to buy:

a new watch
a new necklace


throw away some memories :)