Friday, October 22, 2010

I sprained my ankle last night before going to bed! It was a sharp pain! I thought it's going to be fine the next day but I was WRONG. When I woke up this morning, I had to stagger my left leg in order to move about. My 2nd time spraining on the same leg. Sigh I also don't understand how the heck I sprained it!

It was quite pain in school and I had a hard time walking. Many people were looking at me. =.= On the way to tuition, Eugene called me and asked if I want to get my pay cheque! Of course I want but he asked me to meet him 6plus at Plaza Sing! URGH!! So I decided to forgo this opportunity and arranged to meet him another time instead.

Walking to tuition was torturing and I had a hard time climbing stairs =.= After tuition, I took lrt and back home while mom arranged with the sinseh and off we go to the place. The sinseh is super weird. He asked some questions as below:

Sinseh: How did you sprain your ankle?
Me: Sprained at home last night before sleeping
Sinseh (turn to my mom): How old is she?
Mum: twenty.
Sinseh: Is she married?

=.= Wth is he trying to ask? Weird! But now I'm bandaged and it's harder for me to walk about already! TSKTSK.

Plan for canon marathon failed. Plan for gym failed. Plan to go out study also failed. TSK.

I'll miss walking :(

I'm so sorry

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