Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Power of Words

Words are extremely powerful. 26 letters and a handful of punctuations can wreak havoc. Nevertheless, the same thing can save lives. Written words are more enduring than spoken words. However, spoken words can be more damaging than written words. How true... (:

The spoken words can ruin relationships and cause miscommunication. On the other hand, spoken words can inspire people, and drive people to good deeds. Many people take things for granted. Therefore, abuse of words occurred. Human makes mistakes, you and I. I'm no exception. But admit to the mistakes is the most important.

有些人感慨时间不够用。有些人却烦恼多余的时间不懂怎么过。其实,多或少, 是相对的。如果没有比较,就没有多和少的区分。


I met up with the girls today! It was great and at the end, all of us have the accomplishment! It was really the first time all of us agreed on something! (: That's our secret. X))

Hopefully she knows.. that she's xinfu.

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