Friday, January 12, 2007

worked at westmall td wibb kelvin was okay.but sales aint good.but moii sales td good.haha.iim so careless.alwiz forget to bring money.luckily dat josh came to collect his bag.moii GREAT saviour!thx darling for buyin mie lunch!lol!super happy.yeah.he told mie he's getting a piercing on his lips.omg.its damn disgusting.damn gross.nd he will waste 60bucks juz liddat.ii rather use th money to do facial or shoppin den piercing moii lips nd hab to stand th bloody disgusting.

anyway,ii dunhab th rights to prevent him from piercing too cuz he's aint moii man.nd seriously,ii really condamn those type whu pierce anywhere but insult.juz personal view.dun th way,he msg me.ii was kinda surprised by th msg.really,ii duno wadd shld ii ans given.

a brand new year wib a brand new true.dunno how to say but eu guys can judge me.more street-lyk style.not dat conservative anymore.good or bad?anyway,feb ish coming soon.a fun,exciting,anxious nd heartaching mth.why?cuz of th release of o level result.!!chinese new yr!!valentine's day!!sandra's bday!!whu shall be moii valentine diz yr?lol.anyway,open hse coming!dat means ii can hab reunion wibb moii galfrenz!

veh happy cuz ii can see dem once again.kinda sad nd down diz few days cuz dey didnt contact me muchhs but im sure we will contact again.nd 18 will be moii BIG day where FUN&LAUGHTER fill the air!haha.

ii miiss all moii frenz!love eu guys!

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